Last copy in NM condition (Store Display). Generic white inner sleeve
Two sides from our favorite early 80s lover Lew Kirton. Its the first time the sexy soul mans two track have been 45! Both solid tried and tested LP tracks, but who wants to spin LPs. 15 years of doing a club every week and you end up with some secret weapons, *Something Special* was always a big tempo change record. everyone is tired from dancing for two hours to fast Disco, Modern and deepfunk and without warning you just drop this badboy in take it down a notch and let the dry riding commence, solid. On the flip is Lews straight up jack of Gloria Gaynors *I will survive*, pure shameless anthemic dancefloor disco smasher that i have championed for years, that catchy guitar line over Lews big voice never tires.
Athens of the North – 2014